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Best Gambling Card Games

A stationer by profession, Lewis I. Cohen was born in 1800 in Pennsylvania and joined his brother in England in 1814 in his stationary business. This personality is responsible for innovation in the production of cards used in best gambling card games.

The biggest contribution

Once when Cohen was landing, he noticed a yacht filled with cedar logs. It was a great surprise for him to see timber bars in big lengths without knots. Immediately, he purchased the shipment because the price he paid was only a small part of what his brother paid for the timber. This day became the foundation of his future. He was the first American to produce lead pencils and also the first stationer to sell steel pens.

The biggest contribution of Cohen was the machine based color printing process. He could succeed in printing four colors simultaneously and invented a printing machine in 1835 to print four colors in one pass.

It was in 1832 that Cohen issued his first card deck and started his own business. Between 1838 and 1844, Cohen was greatly engaged his expanding his business and introduced a deck of playing cards with gold embossment in 1845.

Cohen retired in 1854 and handed over his card production business to his son called Solomon L. Cohen and nephew whose name was John M. Lawrence. They traded in partnership under the title ‘Lawrence and Cohen’. They continued to expand the business and captured a great value of market. Later in 1871, they turned towards stock involving three more partners. They together formed the New York Consolidated Card Company.

This history of card production forms the basis for modern day decks used in some of the gambling card games.